Features: Reward Point Tracker

A little more detail for all you tech guys…we love you…you get it!

Accurate Tracking vs Estimations

Many software’s today are offering reward program estimations to avoid loyalty program POS integration. Typically, this is an unrecommended shortcut to reward program marketing if you want the most out of a reward program. Meaning, reward point estimations are nothing more than a slightly enhanced digital punch card. In other words, they do not reward high spenders or market with accuracy.

Accurate marketing is a key attribute to rewards program software. Accurate marketing allows you to drive customers into your business, on-demand, when they may have otherwise planned to go elsewhere. Additionally, accurate marketing can bring reward program automation which delivers reliable business vs peaks and valleys.

Two Reward Point Tracker Systems

RoboRewards offers two categories of loyalty programs: a visit-based reward program and multiple spend tracking custom loyalty programs .  The spend tracking programs rack points earned on money spent. Being the case, all money point ratios are determined by you. For instance, one dollar equals one point. The reward point tracker system sends email/SMS offers broadcasts when reward point goals are reached.

If a reward program software does not issue accurate reward point tracking, typically, the only form of media allowed is ‘On Demand’ broadcasting or inactivity triggers (if you’re lucky).

Although inactivity is a powerful automation trigger, there are much more possibilities using an automated reward program. On-demand broadcasting is advantageous, but without filters or segmenting it can have harmful effects.

Benefits of Reward Point Tracking

When a reward program contains 10,000+ customers, an Email/SMS broadcast can drive hundreds of customers to the business location. Usually, the staff is not ready for this flux of traffic and customers. Being the case, extravagant spending customers can have an unpleasant experience, and eventually, lose interest.

Filtering, segmentation, and reward program automation bypass this problem and attracts a steady fluctuation of business via reward point automation triggers. Additionally, accurate reward point tracking allows you to see exactly how much revenue your rewards program is generating vs an Estimation.

Learn about Segmented Marketing here.

Accurate Tracking vs Estimations

Many software’s today are offering reward program estimations to avoid loyalty program POS integration. Typically, this is an unrecommended shortcut to reward program marketing if you want the most out of a reward program. Meaning, reward point estimations are nothing more than a slightly enhanced digital punch card. In other words, they do not reward high spenders or market with accuracy.

Accurate marketing is a key attribute to rewards program software. Accurate marketing allows you to drive customers into your business, on-demand, when they may have otherwise planned to go elsewhere. Additionally, accurate marketing can bring reward program automation which delivers reliable business vs peaks and valleys.

Two Reward Point Tracker Systems

RoboRewards offers two categories of loyalty programs: a visit-based reward program and multiple spend tracking custom loyalty programs .  The spend tracking programs rack points earned on money spent. Being the case, all money point ratios are determined by you. For instance, one dollar equals one point. The reward point tracker system sends email/SMS offers broadcasts when reward point goals are reached.

If a reward program software does not issue accurate reward point tracking, typically, the only form of media allowed is ‘On Demand’ broadcasting or inactivity triggers (if you’re lucky).

Although inactivity is a powerful automation trigger, there are much more possibilities using an automated reward program. On-demand broadcasting is advantageous, but without filters or segmenting it can have harmful effects.

Benefits of Reward Point Tracking

When a reward program contains 10,000+ customers, an Email/SMS broadcast can drive hundreds of customers to the business location. Usually, the staff is not ready for this flux of traffic and customers. Being the case, extravagant spending customers can have an unpleasant experience, and eventually, lose interest.

Filtering, segmentation, and reward program automation bypass this problem and attracts a steady fluctuation of business via reward point automation triggers. Additionally, accurate reward point tracking allows you to see exactly how much revenue your rewards program is generating vs an Estimation.

Learn about Segmented Marketing here.

Accurate Tracking vs Estimations

Many software’s today are offering reward program estimations to avoid loyalty program POS integration. Typically, this is an unrecommended shortcut to reward program marketing if you want the most out of a reward program. Meaning, reward point estimations are nothing more than a slightly enhanced digital punch card. In other words, they do not reward high spenders or market with accuracy.

Accurate marketing is a key attribute to rewards program software. Accurate marketing allows you to drive customers into your business, on-demand, when they may have otherwise planned to go elsewhere. Additionally, accurate marketing can bring reward program automation which delivers reliable business vs peaks and valleys.

Two Reward Point Tracker Systems

RoboRewards offers two categories of loyalty programs: a visit-based reward program and multiple spend tracking custom loyalty programs .  The spend tracking programs rack points earned on money spent. Being the case, all money point ratios are determined by you. For instance, one dollar equals one point. The reward point tracker system sends email/SMS offers broadcasts when reward point goals are reached.

If a reward program software does not issue accurate reward point tracking, typically, the only form of media allowed is ‘On Demand’ broadcasting or inactivity triggers (if you’re lucky).

Although inactivity is a powerful automation trigger, there are much more possibilities using an automated reward program. On-demand broadcasting is advantageous, but without filters or segmenting it can have harmful effects.

Benefits of Reward Point Tracking

When a reward program contains 10,000+ customers, an Email/SMS broadcast can drive hundreds of customers to the business location. Usually, the staff is not ready for this flux of traffic and customers. Being the case, extravagant spending customers can have an unpleasant experience, and eventually, lose interest.

Filtering, segmentation, and reward program automation bypass this problem and attracts a steady fluctuation of business via reward point automation triggers. Additionally, accurate reward point tracking allows you to see exactly how much revenue your rewards program is generating vs an Estimation.

Learn about Segmented Marketing here.

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